Presentation of 'Solution'
'Solution' is a high efficiency electric screen printing drying tunnel. It has ceramic heating panels which give off a uniform heat for the entire chamber. This machine is also designed to withstand heavy loads and high temperatures. Solution is the solution for your textile screen printing drying problems, it contains a double wall which will allow insulation for high / low temperatures, achieving a perfect finish.
Digital control panel
The 'Solution' machine is simple to use, because it contains an intuitive digital control panel. It allows to control the speed, temperature and the start-up of the machine in a programmable way. In addition, it is possible to easily change the direction of the conveyor belt.
Basic components
'Solution' is a tunnel designed for industrial production with an AC motor present in 7 different models depending on the width / length and the time of exposure to the heat of the substrate. The inlet mouth of the machine is adjustable to all types of products and allows the interior temperature to be preserved. The conveyor belt or belt is made up of Teflon coated glass fibres and rollers to support the heavy load.