1. The control circuit system takes advantage of Japan's programmable controller (PLC) for simple, reliable and stable control in the circuit.
2. With the elevation of the pneumatic control silk net editing and the adjustable vacuum suction system on the printing units, the machine can greatly improve the printing precision. In addition, the machine is also equipped with a blowing device.
3. For scrapping printing and moving the work platform, with a high precision linear guide rail, the machine takes advantage of the in-service motor and reciprocating frequency control for reliable and safe operation.
4. The printing process and the network editing fiction unit are adjustable for the printing area with different specifications.
Training for use in our facilities is included in all equipment.
30 years of experience support our recommendation to carry out the training in our facilities for different reasons, but mainly because the people involved are fully dedicated to training, without external agents to interfere or interrupt, in addition to the fact that the people to train can see in first-hand, other systems or tools that can complement the planned training and provide a broader knowledge of the process.